Android 8.3 ls support for escaped pathsĢ.

PluginIni should be local codepage safe Support for BusyboxLsCommand in init added (edit directly) Support for large file indication in progress bar and others Support for ADB STAT2 command (int64 file sizes) Support for icons in file list again (Windows only) Support for screenshot/framebuffer v2 (new devices) Package listing works for packages with "=" in their names properly STAT2 vs STAT fixed for older devices (download works again properly) WiFi ADB (a rooted device with the "WiFi ADB" app downloaded from Google Play) Device connected to USB with proper drivers (an ADB device must be listed in Windows Devices) Enabled "Android debugging" on your device Please, leave your comments, suggestions and bug reports in the plugin discussion page. ADB USB and wireless ADB (no need to install Android SDK) Set/Get file attributes/permissions - Change Attributes action in Total Commander Full file system management (download/upload recursive directories, copy, delete, rename, move, edit, view, overwrite confirmation and more, chmod and chown preserveration)

Rooted, semi-rooted and non-rooted devices Multiple devices with device rename functionality (friendly name) Clipboard (set and get your device's clipboard) Reboot menu with (Reboot, Hot Boot, Recovery, Download and Power Off) LogCat/BugReport/Dmesg (Copy file from folder), Shell APK icons and metadata with custom columns (does not download APK files to PC) Apps management (Install, Uninstall and Backup your apps, Add shortcut to launcher) The ultimate Android Total Commander file system plugin with extra features: